
(Because it just captures so much ^_^)

AND SO I AM - Erin O'Donell

I have been known to overanalyze
I like ice cream but only late at night
I don't give up without a decent fight
This is who I am

I am a hopeless romantic
But life leaves no time to get caught up in it
But still my cup is overflowing with
Happiness and joy

I am faith and hope
I know 'cause I am known
Your are life and love
You are and so I am

I am the owner of a moody soul
I try to accept the things I can't control
There's so much that I guess I'll never know
I take it as it comes

I don't drink coffee
I like my sleep
It's hard to admit it when I have a need

Good or bad this is the truth about me
But more importantly....


You are and so I am
Undeserving but forgiven
I was hopeless but now i'm living
I was lost until you found me
I am free because you saved me

I am faith and hope
I know 'cause I am known
You are life and love
You are and so I am
I am grace and truth
I am all things in you
You are life and love
You are and so I am 

 I am for Eddie Villanueva. I will vote for him for what he is and what he is not.

What he is levels the playing field when juxtaposed to the likes of Teodoro and Gordon, and maybe even Aquino.  What he is not shames the others known for political and moral sleaze.

What he is is what others are not and maybe vice versa. 

If we talk about galing, he may not exactly be topnotch but he has it, to say the least. Marcos and GMA had their chance of putting their genius to good use, but they blew it – BIG TIME.  And whoever said skill and genius can save this nation? We had had far too many geniuses that bled dry the nation’s coffer.  Our nation plunged to a downward spiral ever since Marcos.

If we talk leadership, the guy’s piloting multitudes. There’s not a trace of doubt in my mind about his ability to lead a people. He took care of his flock successfully.  He who is faithful with a few can be trusted to take care of the many given him.  What makes him capable, you ask? Simple: He took care of his Father’s sheep.

If we talk passion, the guy’s a walking image emblazoning the very term.  I don’t mean to be blunt about it – I am blunt about it. A self-confessed ex-atheist, he rallied in the streets against martial rule before he rallied people to the Source of it all.  Radical is what he was and still is.  His love for the Philippines never dwindled upon discovering faith.  Through His love for God, a deeper love for his country was birthed. I don’t mean to sound religious but you gotta deal with it.  His passion’s the REAL thing.

If we talk virtue, he just might put to shame his contenders – a point I will not further explicate because bashing would be unnecessary.

If we talk integrity, I see no other who can boldly embody the word without claiming it for himself.

If we talk competence, he’s in. That he had experience lecturing about Political Economy or that he went to a prestigious law school are just mere add-ons.

If we talk faith, speaking in his behalf won’t suffice.  To call him just a religious leader to downgrade his qualification is pitiful an attempt.  To use the supposed separation of the Church and the State to counter the guy’s bid for the presidency is out of context.  The Preamble commences imploring the aid of the Almighty God, not the aid of religion.  We need to understand that religion is not God.  It’s highly agreeable that leaders like Villanueva shouldn’t become politicians. Why would he? After all, he was called to PUBLIC SERVICE and not to the comical world of POLITICS. There’s a fine line of difference right there.

If we talk utang na loob, don’t we want a president who is accountable only to God and to his countrymen – not to any political trapos?  I don’t want a leader shifting sides when self-serving interests call for it. I don’t want a leader wavering between opinions.

The Philippines does not need another lesser evil.  Let’s raise the honor of this country, por favor. At such a dismal state, I don’t want to play my cards on ambiguity anymore.  The Philippines may not deserve the kind of leadership it hopes for, but it needs it direly. 

We’re choking to death but eggheads still boast their own cynicism. We’re down in the dumps and complain, but we choose to remain there by voting blindly.  We’re close to hopeless as a nation yet we fail to anchor our hopes in the right source.  We want change but we’re betting on leaders that can’t even change themselves. My pastor put it perfectly when he said, “A leader that cannot even change himself cannot change the whole nation.”

Do we deserve a better Philippines? We may not. But I WANT a better one.

 2010-2016? I say babangon tayo. Eddie Ako.

…about your ways familiar, your natural concern, your intuition almost always right, your character indomitable, your calm upon every storm, your beauty radiating by age, your conviction strong-willed and wise, your love so true and outright.

…about your stance willful but gentle, your diversions infectious and feeding, your heart so big untainted, your wit that never fails to cheer, your presence prized more than gold, your love unrelenting.

…about your spirit childlike and true, your beauty from the inside out, your nature true to form, your heart ever so patient, your soul forgiving, your love untainted.

…about your aura placid as ever, your genius you must realize, your innocence behind the mask, your future stellar, your love quiet and meek.

…about your wisdom of old, your heart fragile but overflowing, your blood flowing in mine, your companion whose love lingers, your love ever growing.

…about you and the future, your friendship genuine, your alliance everlasting, your love by His love, your life-bearing love.

…about you prized more than life, your smiles tear-jerking, your laughter joy-giving, your hugs uplifting, your love consuming.

…about You and You and You and You

…about Your love eternal, about Your love saving, Your love dying, Your love creating, Your love haunting, Your love unfailing, Your love securing, Your love unending, Your love absolute.

So, let me write about You.